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Balance in the interior - how to turn the house into a peaceful place to live
06.01.2023 Share: Facebook Category: Life style

Balance in the interior - how to turn the house into a peaceful place to live

After a tiring working day, home should be a place where you automatically feel calm and comfortable. It is balance in the interior that will help you create this peace. Of course, other factors also take part in creating a harmonious and calm environment, but without balance it would be impossible.

The correct selection of interior design depends on various factors, such as: balance, natural light, color range, correct selection of materials and others. Balance plays one of the most important roles in the interior. It is a kind of visual harmony in space. Balance can be achieved with traditional symmetry, asymmetry and radial balance:

  • Symmetrical balance is found - in traditional interior, it is characterized by repetition of the same object on two different sides.
    This type of balance is often found in nature, our body is also based on the principles of symmetrical balance.
    Symmetry in interior design creates a feeling of stability and peace. However, it should be noted here that without creative elements it can be described as static, boring and unimaginative.
    Symmetry can be achieved by using pictures, furniture, colors.


  • Asymmetrical balance is used in modern design. Asymmetric balance is more casual unnatural fun and modern. Asymmetrical balance relates to the visual weight of the subject. In general, complex forms are perceived as heavier, therefore they are actively used to create an asymmetric balance. Such an interior is more dynamic and less rigid, because at this time the balance is created by various objects.


  • Radial symmetry is a design element centered around a central point. For example, a spiral staircase that brings a special charm to the interior. If you want the attention to be directed to a specific central object, in this case, using radial balance is an ideal option.

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Also, for the integrity of the interior, a well-planned room always has one or more focal points. It should attract attention and be dominant. The focal point should give us a lasting impression, but at the same time it must be an integral part of the decoration, it can be the central element of the room (fireplace, picture, sofa, etc).


Any interior is created from details that create a certain emotion and mood. Each small thing, detail and accessory creates the final look of the interior.

Taking these factors into account, you will be able to create an interior design that will create harmony, peace and positive mood at home.
